Freemantles Primary







Next Committee Meetings



Friends of Freemantles (FoF) is a parent and staff run registered charity that raises funds for Freemantles School.

Although the school has wonderful specialist, purpose-built facilities, and an enormously dedicated teaching staff, it lacks the State funds to meet the cost of many of the things that enhance the children’s education and extend their opportunities.

Over the years the charity has provided items for the school such as minibuses for community outings, a wooden pavilion for outdoor teaching and break times, playground equipment for the Primary school, sports kits for the Secondary school, swimming equipment and toys, sports equipment shed, gazebos for sports day and other events and a sensory den for Early Years.

Our current project is to help fund the creation of the new HEART area at the school. This multifunction space will include areas such as horticulture, animal care and sensory regulation which will help enhance vocational learning and social enterprise as well pupil and staff wellbeing and mental health. CLICK HERE for more information.

In order to raise funds, throughout the year we seek donations and run events such as an annual Summer Fun Day for families and staff, bi-annual raffles, seasonal tombolas, and quiz nights, as well as external events at Mizen’s Railway and softplay centres.


We welcome new members throughout the year so if you would like to learn more about what we do and how you can get involved then please email us at for details of our next meeting or visit


Friends of Freemantles is a registered charity 280828